Are you HWB?

Do you know the feeling of being in the right place at the right time? We often have it and we feel so alive that this feeling fills everything, hooks us, places us, makes us want more and more and that's why we return day after day.

But what is that moment? Well, for us, any day of windsurfing , with sun, with that part that presages fresh, clean, constant, powerful, but noble wind. You get into the water and everything starts to flow and you wish that moment would not end, you don't get tired, there is no thirst, no hunger, everything disappears except you, the sea and the wind and you want to stay there.

What we offer you is a bit of that feeling of happiness and life that one day even led us to create a brand to label moments, things, images, that remind us of each of those HappyWindsurf moments that we enjoy and that we hope to repeat in forward.

HappyWindsurf Barcares is not just windsurfing, it is life, it is enjoying the little things, it is getting excited, a sunset, a song, a movie, going up a mountain or going down a river... if you get excited and enjoy living, you are HWB.